Accepted Papers

An Analysis of Event-Agnostic Features for Rumour Classification in Twitter
Laura Tolosi, Andrey Tagarev and Georgi Georgiev

Web and Social MediaImage Forensics for News Professionals
Markos Zampoglou, Symeon Papadopoulos, Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Ruben Bouwmeester and Jochen Spangenberg

Information laundering and counter-publics: The news sources of Islamophobic groups on Twitter
Cornelius Puschmann, Julian Ausserhofer, Noura Maan and Markus Hametner 

Twitterspheres: a study of political Twitter dissemination and the interchange between social and editorial media in Sweden 
Jonas Andersson Schwarz and Johan Hammarlund

“Just the facts” with PALOMAR: Detecting protest events in media outlets and Twitter 
Konstantina Papanikolaou, Haris Papageorgiou, Nikos Papasarantopoulos, Theoni Stathopoulou and George Papastefanatos 

What Questions Do Journalists Ask on Twitter?
Maram Hasanain, Mossaab Bagdouri, Tamer Elsayed and Douglas Oard

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